1. Display available trading symbols
MT4 on PC
After logging into MT4, right-click on a Market Watch window on the left side of the trading platform and choose the “Show All” option. For trading on the STP account, use all symbols with “_stp” suffix. So that if you want to trade, for example, the EURUSD currency pair, choose the “EURUSD_stp” symbol. Symbols without a suffix are not available for trading.
MT4 for mobile apps
Download the MetaTrader 4 app and log in to your account.
MT4 app login.
Click on the Settings icon (3 lines in the upper left corner) → Manage Accounts → “+” → “Login to existing account”. In the search bar, choose the PurpleTrading-01Demo server for a demo account or PurpleTrading-04Live for a Live account.
Click on a “Markets” → “+” → You can add trading symbols you wish to trade in the upper right corner. For example “ECN Forex” → “+” → “EURUSD_ecn”.
MT4 app login.
Click on the Settings → New Account → Login to existing account. Choose the PurpleTrading-01Demo server for a demo account or PurpleTrading-04 for a Live account.
Click on a “Markets” → “+” → You can add trading symbols you wish to trade in the upper right corner. For example, open the “ECN Forex” and click on the green “+” symbol afterward. This will show you available trading symbols.
With the cTrader trading platform, all symbols without a suffix are available.
2. Market interruption - when it’s not possible to trade
In the time between 23:59 and 0:05:59 (server time on MT4 and cTrader platforms), there is a trading interruption affecting all trading symbols (with the exception of cryptocurrencies) caused by the transferring of liquidity into the following day. During this time, low liquidity is typical for the market. This can lead to uneven spreads. Trading is enabled again after 0:06.
In reality, this means that the opening or amending of new positions is not available and in case the market reaches the desired price (for stop-loss or take profit, etc.) during this time, the order will not be processed. It will be processed only in case the desired price level is reached after the 0:06 when it’s possible to trade again.
You can trade cryptocurrencies during the 5 working days without any limitations. For example, from Monday 0:00 to Friday 23:30 (server time). Each and every open position is closed automatically by Friday 23:30 (MT4 server time).