Hedging is used to secure trading positions against possible adverse changes in market conditions and the risk of loss. Hedging is opening a position on the same trading instrument but in the opposite direction (e.g. for each buy order there should be a corresponding sell order).
Trading position can be hedged partially or completely. Every broker can set up its own conditions for hedging. In order to allow the traders the freedom of management of their trades, we have decided not to charge margin for these trades. However, more freedom means more responsibility. Since there is no margin used, it is impossible to reach stop-out, but in case the equity level decreases under 0, MT4 server automatically closes trading positions. It is impossible to have an opened loss larger than the account balance in the market. Hedging does not cause spontaneous deepening of losses, but there may be fluctuations because of the changing spread. For the closing of hedged positions, Close-by or Multiple close by function may be used, which closes both hedged positions simultaneously (see the picture below). Completely hedged positions do not have any exposure between each other, therefore it is possible to close one position at the price of the second one. A side effect is spread saving.
Due to the immediate processing of withdrawals, complete responsibility for entering withdrawals during hedging is entrusted to the client. The company bears no responsibility for any losses.